What is a Corporate Fast?
A Corporate fast is a joint fast of believers for a
specific purpose that can yield powerful results.
Although this fast involves others, it is very much a
“private and personal experience.” (Esther 4:16; I
Samuel 7; Acts 27:33-37)
specific purpose that can yield powerful results.
Although this fast involves others, it is very much a
“private and personal experience.” (Esther 4:16; I
Samuel 7; Acts 27:33-37)
What is a Daniel Fast?
According to Daniel 10:2-3, the Daniel Fast is a fast
from meats, sweets, breads and any drink but water
for 21-days. The Daniel Fast is a prolonged fast
which yields health and healing.
Foods You May Eat on Daniel Fast:
WHOLE GRAINS: Brown rice, oats, barley, etc.
LEGUMES: Dried beans, pinto beans, split peas,
lentils, black eyed peas, etc.
FRUIT: Apples, apricots, bananas, blackberries,
boysenberries, cantaloupe, cherries, cranberries,
figs, grapefruit, grapes, guava, honeydew melon,
kiwi, lemons, limes, mangoes, nectarines, papayas,
peaches, pears, pineapples, plums, prunes, raisins,
raspberries, strawberries, tangelos, tangerines,
watermelon, etc.
VEGETABLES: Artichokes, asparagus, beets, broccoli,
Brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery,
chili peppers, corn, cucumbers, eggplant, garlic, ginger
root, kale, leeks, lettuce, mushrooms, mustard greens,
okra, onions, parsley, potatoes, radishes, rutabagas,
scallions, spinach, sprouts, squashes, sweet potatoes,
tomatoes, turnips, yams, zucchini, etc. Veggies burgers
are an option if you are not allergic to soy.
A Fast for the body, soul and spirit.
Preparing for the Daniel Fast
You will experience a successful fast, if you spend time
preparing, by focusing on prayer.
Quiet Time: If you don't already have an established
daily quiet time with the Lord, then this is an excellent
opportunity to do so.
Starting your day with God is a habit that will
support your faith and growing intimacy with the Lord.
During the Corporate Fast, be sure to set a daily time
to come before the Lord, to study His Word, His ways
Preparing for the Daniel Fast
You will experience a successful fast, if you spend time
preparing, by focusing on prayer.
Quiet Time: If you don't already have an established
daily quiet time with the Lord, then this is an excellent
opportunity to do so.
Starting your day with God is a habit that will
support your faith and growing intimacy with the Lord.
During the Corporate Fast, be sure to set a daily time
to come before the Lord, to study His Word, His ways
and to pray.
Prepare Your Body: It's a wise move to prepare your
body for the fast by easing off sugar, caffeine and
chemicals before your first day of fasting. Otherwise,
you may experience physical detox symptoms of
headaches, cramping and fatigue. Start to drink at least
1/2 gallon of filtered water each day.
Concluding the Daniel Fast
Just as you prepared to start the Daniel Fast, you will
want to plan for the conclusion of your fast.
Changing the way, you eat: If you have been on an
extended fast of 10 or more days, your physical body
has enjoyed healthy and easily digestible foods. Most
people realize increased energy and better health
during their fast.
If you reintroduce prior foods back into your diet, do so
slowly to keep your body from rebelling and bringing
discomfort. Small portions are better and adding no
more than one type of food each day will give your
body a chance to get used to the change.
The Bible teaches us that we are a spirit, we have a
soul and we live in a body. A fast affects all three parts
of us as we enter into a period of time for focused
prayer and fasting.
During a fast, your soul may very well rebel against the
dramatic changes in your diet. Experiencing and
winning this battle over the flesh is often one of the
most powerful lessons of a fast.
The Body - Certainly our bodies are affected as our
diet is changed, for some in very dramatic ways, during
a fast. Many men and women experience detoxing
from caffeine, chemicals and sugar. The symptoms are
most often headaches, leg cramps, fatigue and
The Soul - Frequently referred to as "the flesh" in the
Bible, the soul is also greatly impacted during the a
fast. The soul is the seat of our emotions, intellect,
personality and will. It is in the "soulish realm" where
we experience cravings, frustration, anger . . . and
even happiness.
The Spirit - Our spirit is that born-again part of us that
surrenders to God and then abides with the Father and
the Son. Our spirit is filled with the Holy Spirit when we yield to Him
Keep the gems of the fast: Most likely, you have
gained many powerful lessons about your health
and spiritual life. Let the lessons you learned during
your Daniel Fast continue to bring more health to
your body, soul and spirit all year long.
If you have gained understanding about healthy
eating habits or broken addictions to specific foods,
then continue with those good practices.
soul and we live in a body. A fast affects all three parts
of us as we enter into a period of time for focused
prayer and fasting.
During a fast, your soul may very well rebel against the
dramatic changes in your diet. Experiencing and
winning this battle over the flesh is often one of the
most powerful lessons of a fast.
The Body - Certainly our bodies are affected as our
diet is changed, for some in very dramatic ways, during
a fast. Many men and women experience detoxing
from caffeine, chemicals and sugar. The symptoms are
most often headaches, leg cramps, fatigue and
The Soul - Frequently referred to as "the flesh" in the
Bible, the soul is also greatly impacted during the a
fast. The soul is the seat of our emotions, intellect,
personality and will. It is in the "soulish realm" where
we experience cravings, frustration, anger . . . and
even happiness.
The Spirit - Our spirit is that born-again part of us that
surrenders to God and then abides with the Father and
the Son. Our spirit is filled with the Holy Spirit when we yield to Him
Keep the gems of the fast: Most likely, you have
gained many powerful lessons about your health
and spiritual life. Let the lessons you learned during
your Daniel Fast continue to bring more health to
your body, soul and spirit all year long.
If you have gained understanding about healthy
eating habits or broken addictions to specific foods,
then continue with those good practices.
Type your new text here.
21 Financial Fast
We are going on a financial fast to be set free from bondage in our lives, to avoid financial drama, to be set free from a mindset of consumption, to create a better financial future, to have peace in your finances, to become a better steward of what God has blessed you with.
What Do I have to do?
- Start each day with P.A.Y. (Pray, Act, Yield). Every morning you pray, act on the pledge to do better with your finances, and yield to God's Will.
- Get an accountability partner.
- Read daily financial bible passage (sent to you via text).
- Highlight and write down what you get from the passage in a journal.
- Cash Purchases Suggested
- Limit Eating Out
- Buy only what you need.
- Review progress with your accountability partner two times per week.
4 reasons:
4 reasons:
- Why a Financial Fast? To be set free from bondage in our lives.
- Fasting for a better financial life, be set free from constantly consuming & invest more.
- Fasting to avoid Financial Drama, creditors calling, robbing Peter to pay Paul.
- Fasting for Financial Peace. To sleep well at night and relieve worry & anxiety.
Scripture References:
Psalms 24 Proverbs 14:15
Proverbs 13:22John 10:1-18
Psalms 24 Proverbs 14:15
Proverbs 13:22John 10:1-18